Economic Development Plans
Business Attraction Guide
As Selwyn Township grows there is an opportunity to strengthen the economy by proactively attracting new investments to create jobs. The Township has much to offer in the way of available land, access to labour and proximity to major markets. Our marketing efforts are working to enhance Selwyn Township's image among potential business investors.
Find out why you should locate your business to Selwyn Township in our Business Attraction Guide!
Economic Development Strategy & Marketing Plan
The Township’s Economic Development Strategy & Marketing Plan was developed by Strexer Harrop & Associates using Rural Economic Development (RED) Program funding. The development of these documents was a Key Action Item derived from the Business Retention + Expansion (BR+E) Report, completed in late 2017.
The Economic Development Strategy focuses on five key sectors; Development & Trades, Professional Services, Retail, Senior Services and Tourism.
The Marketing Plan supports the recommendations made in the Economic Development Strategy and includes a number of key Action Items, timelines and budget estimates for the completion of these items.
Economic Development Projects
Business Retention + Expansion Project
The Business Retention + Expansion (BR+E) Program, funded by the Rural Economic Development Fund, is led by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and is a community-based effort to assist and encourage local businesses to stay and grow in the community.
Although our BR+E project focused on the retail and service sectors, the Township of Selwyn hopes to conduct BR+E projects for all of its sectors in the future.
The BR+E survey identified the strengths and challenges faced by 71 local retail and service sector businesses and the results were used to help develop the Business Retention + Expansion Report.
Business Retention + Expansion Report
Cultural Mapping Project
The Cultural Mapping exercise, funded by the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport through the Creative Communities Prosperity Fund, identified and catalogued the various cultural resources in our community such as: natural heritage, cultural industries, community cultural organizations, agriculture, culinary resources, and religious organizations.
Community Cultural Mapping provides many benefits, such as:
- enables development of partnerships which enhance cultural vitality;
- supports local cultural sectors by giving residents and visitors access to information about arts and heritage activities;
- strengthens the case for investment in local cultural resources;
- provides a basis for policy development, planning, decision making, and integration into municipal plans; and
- helps the community visualize cultural assets through the use of maps
As a result of the Cultural Mapping exercise, the following maps were created to identify various cultural resources within Selwyn:
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