Interested in Becoming a Sponsor?

Sponsorship Application

There are four sponsorship options to choose from:

Platinum Sponsor (2 only) - $960.50

A Platinum Sponsor receives:

  • 2 large advertising signs (18" x 48") prominently displayed
  • Opportunity for a representative to speak during the Truck & Tractor Pull
  • Press Release announcing sponsorship
  • Logo featured on the Lakefield Herald centre spread of the list of Shamrock events
  • Company name on Truck & Tractor Pull trophy and opportunity to present trophy
  • Booth at the Festival to promote organization
  • Advertising sign placed at the Truck & Tractor Pull track
  • Your business mentioned during announcements at the Truck & Tractor Pull
  • Recognition on Peterborough This Week flyer (distributed to 10,000 homes)
  • Recognition on website and social media (including logo)
  • Recognition on the event sponsor sign displayed both Saturday and Sunday
  • 10 complimentary tickets
Major Sponsor - $423.75

A Major Sponsor receives:

  • Company name on Truck & Tractor Pull trophy and opportunity to present trophy
  • Booth at the Festival to promote organization
  • Advertising sign placed at the Truck & Tractor Pull track
  • Your business mentioned during announcements at the Truck & Tractor Pull
  • Recognition on Peterborough This Week flyer (distributed to 10,000 homes)
  • Recognition on website and social media (including logo)
  • Recognition on the event sponsor sign displayed both Saturday and Sunday
  • 2 complimentary tickets
Sponsor Plus - $310.75

A Sponsor Plus receives:

  • Advertising sign placed at the Truck & Tractor Pull track
  • Your business mentioned during announcements at the Truck & Tractor Pull
  • Recognition on Peterborough This Week flyer (distributed to 10,000 homes)
  • Recognition on website and social media (including logo)
  • Recognition on the event sponsor sign displayed both Saturday and Sunday
  • 2 complimentary tickets
Sponsor - $254.25

A Sponsor receives:

  • Your business mentioned during announcements at the Truck & Tractor Pull
  • Recognition on Peterborough This Week flyer (distributed to 10,000 homes)
  • Recognition on website and social media (including logo)
  • Recognition on the event sponsor sign displayed both Saturday and Sunday
  • 2 complimentary tickets

*Note: Sponsorship Package Fees include HST

Interested in Becoming a Vendor?

Vendor Application

Vendor Guidelines


  • The vendor space will be available to set up at 8:00am. All setup must be complete by 9:45am.
  • Vendors are required to provide their own tents, tables, chairs etc.
  • This is an outdoor event. Please prepare for weather conditions, including winds.
  • Please wait for a volunteer attendant to take you to your designated location.


  • Be prepared to park your vehicle off the festival site in a designated area. The volunteer attendant will advise of alternate parking locations.


  • We ask that all vendors remain open until 2:00pm.
  • Please work with other vendors to leave the grounds in an orderly fashion and be aware of pedestrians!

Additional Information

  • Smoking is not permitted on the park grounds.

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