2025 Budget Meeting Schdule
- November 21, 2024
- Resolution No. 2024-195 - 2024 Capital Budget - passed at the November 21, 2024 Capital Budget meeting
- December 12, 2024
- February 6, 2025
- February 25, 2025
2025 Budget Documents
- Assessment
- Grants & Funding
- Reserves
- Impacts & Issues
- Capital Projects
- 2025 Draft Budget Presentation
- 2025 Tax Rate By-law and Schedules
- 2025 Consolidated Residential Tax & Area Rates in Peterborough County
2025 Summary by Department
Each Township Department is listed below by Department number. Please click on the department name to view a brief narrative as well as a summary of the budget worksheet relevant to that particular department.
General Government - Department 5
This Department provides financial services and administrative support to Council and all other Departments to ensure the effective and efficient delivery of all Municipal Services. The Department is also responsible for the ongoing maintenance and development of the Township's Emergency Planning program.
Properties and Facilities - Department 6
This department was established to meet present and future capital expenditures for replacement, modification, enhancements and major repairs of all municipal facilities. Land purchases for general municipal purposes are traditionally funded through this department.
As well, this cost centre captures revenues and expenses for those municipal buildings that are vacant or leased as rental properties.
Economic Development - Department 7
This department contains all costs required to initiate and oversee Township Community and Economic Development opportunities. Funding for Department 7 in 2025 will largely be derived through taxation.
Solar Initiatives - Department 8
This department includes the revenues and expenses for the Township's three (3) microFIT solar installations and three (3) FIT solar installations.
The microFIT installations are roof top solar and located at 1310 Centre Line, 8 Queen Street and 832 Charles Street. The three (3) twenty year contracts pay 80.2 cents per kilowatt hour for energy transmitted directly to the grid. The microFIT installations were internally financed over a ten-year period and 2022 was the final year for repayment.
The FIT installations are also roof top solar and are located at 1280 Centre Line, 275 Queen Street and 553 Ennis Road. The three (3) twenty year contracts pay 34.5 cents per kilowatt hour, 34.5 cents per kilowatt hour, and 32.9 cents per kilowatt hour respectively, for energy transmitted directly to the grid.
Fire Services - Department 10
The Fire Service operates from five halls (listed below). Hall 6, located in Slaters Corners, is utilized for department storage.
- Hall 1 - Bridgenorth
- Hall 2 - Lakefield
- Hall 3 - Young's Point
- Hall 4 - Curve Lake
- Hall 5 - Ennismore
Police Services - Department 11
This department includes all policing costs incurred for both the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Peterborough Police Service.
These costs are funded through two area rates with the assessment in the Smith, Ennismore and Douro-Dummer wards applied against the annual net costs for OPP and the assessment in the Lakefield ward applied against the annual net costs for Peterborough Police Services.
Conservation Authority - Department 12
The Otonabee Region Conservation Authority (ORCA) levy is a requisition based on the budget that has been approved by the Otonabee Region Conservation Board.
The requisition is funded and presented as a separate levy on the tax bill.
Protective Inspection and Control - Department 13
This department is commonly referred to as the 'Building Department' and includes those revenues and expenditures relating to building and plumbing inspections, small animal control, dog tag licensing, By-law enforcement and 911 sign maintenance and mapping updates.
Building Department Equipment - Department 14
This department captures revenues and expenses related to the two building department vehicles and the By-law Enforcement vehicle.
Roadways - Department 20
This department captures expenses related to the Township Road network related to maintenance and construction. Department 20 is also the 'home' cost center for road employees and reflects the department's overhead expenses such as vacation, sick time, retirement benefits, payroll benefits, benefit costs associated with retired employees, administrative expenses and building expenses.
Winter Control - Department 21
Department 21 includes all functions related to the clearing, removal and control of snow and ice from township roadways and sidewalks. This budget also provides for most of the costs associated with opening ditches and culverts in the spring throughout the Township to prepare for the spring melt.
Public Works Equipment - Department 22
Department 22 is used to record the revenue generated by internally charging out the Public Works equipment. Likewise, it records the cost of maintaining and replacing the public works fleet and related equipment.
Street Lights - Department 23
Streetlights in various parts of the municipality are the responsibility of the Township. Certain streetlights at controlled intersections are covered by the authority responsible for traffic signalization. (i.e. the County or Province).
Street lighting throughout the Township is traditionally present in settlement and built up areas only. The Township currently has responsibility for approximately 649 streetlights throughout the municipality.
Gravel Pits and Adjoining Lands - Department 24
The Township charges out aggregates from the Township owned pits. This internal charge out reflects not only the expenditures associated with crushing/processing, it also includes the residual pit costs and the actual material/aggregate.
Transportation Services - Department 25
This Department provides for the costs and revenues for the transportation pilot. The Province’s original commitment of $1.48 million to support a transportation pilot through the Ministry of Transportation Community Transportation Grant was increased by $884,625.78 for a total commitment of $2.36 million. An extension for the pilot was also granted to March 2026.
Bridges & Structures - Department 26
This Department provides for the operations and capital investments related to structures.
Waste Management - Department 33
This Department captures costs of waste collection, the operation and maintenance of the Smith Landfill site and annual monitoring of the Smith and former Ennismore landfill site.
Waste Management also accommodates the costs related to waste diversion activities undertaken by the Township on its own or in partnership with the County.
Curbside garbage collection throughout the Township is collected by Waste Connections of Canada Inc. and the costs related thereto are included in this Department. The waste collected at the curb is deposited at the County/City landfill site at Bensfort Road, except for statutory holidays when it is taken to the Smith Landfill Site.
Stormwater Management - Department 34
The Province has identified stormwater management as a core infrastructure asset and as such the Township created this department in 2020 to more effectively track and account for revenues and expenses related to these assets.
Parks and Public Spaces - Department 40
This department includes all revenues and expenses to maintain the parks, sports fields, trails, multi-sport courts (tennis, pickleball and basketball) open spaces and facility grounds within the municipality and all of the capital projects for these areas.
In addition to the areas mentioned above, this department captures all the revenues and expenses associated with revenue generating facilities including the Lakefield Marina, Lakefield Campground (operator agreement), Marshland Centre, the River Den and the Bridgenorth Community Hall.
Recreation Supported Festivals - Department 41
This Department is used to track revenues and expenses for various Township Festivals and Events that are coordinated by volunteer committees such as; Polarfest, Jazz Festival, Shamrock Festival and Tractor-Pull through the Parks and Recreation Department.
Lakefield-Smith Community Centre - Department 42
The Lakefield-Smith Community Centre continues to operate with deficits. The deficit will be cleared with a transfer from OMPF.
Ennismore Community Centre - Department 43
The Ennismore Community Centre recorded an operating deficit. The deficit will be cleared with a transfer from OMPF.
Library Services - Department 44
The Selwyn Public Library consists of branches located in Bridgenorth, Ennismore, and Lakefield and a Makerspace which opened in 2022. The four locations work closely together sharing staff, resources and programming.
Parks Equipment - Department 45
This department captures revenues and expenses related to parks equipment.
Ennismore Multi-Use Building - Department 46
The lease agreement with the Ennismore Curling Club was renewed in January 2018 for the Multi-Use Building for a five year term.
Planning - Department 50
This department includes revenues and expenditures relating to the processing of planning applications, committee of adjustment applications and customer information requests.
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