The Township of Selwyn recognizes that persons with disabilities should be provided with an equal opportunity to access goods and information in a manner consistent with the principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality. The Township has adopted an Accessible Customer Service Standards Policy which acts as a guiding document for ensuring inclusivity for all.
The Township has developed various initiatives and incorporated several tools that support accessibility:
Accessibility Advisory Committee
The Joint Peterborough County-Township of Selwyn Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) provides information and recommendations to Township and County Councils with regard to accessibility issues. The Committee strives to reduce barriers to accessibility for persons with disabilities.
For more details on the AAC, visit our Committees & Boards page.
Accessible Customer Service Standards Policy & Plan
The Township has made our website more accessible and available for everyone by offering Browsealoud, a web accessibility toolbar that helps make navigating our website more user friendly for those with accessibility difficulties.
The Browsealoud toolbar is located at the top right-hand section of the website.
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