Building Services

Building permits are in place for your safety - and the safety of those around you, ensuring your construction project is protected from structural failure, fire hazards from electrical and heating systems, electrical shock and other health risks. Permits also provide a permanent record of the work performed and all inspections conducted to ensure the project is sound and safe.

Before starting a new construction project -- either indoors or outdoors -- you must determine whether you need a building permit.

Building staff at Selwyn Township is here to help you through the Building Permit process.

Ontario One CallOntario One Call Logo

There is buried infrastructure all over Ontario. You must contact Ontario One Call to get buried cables, pipes, and wires located so you can dig safely.

Ontario One Call is a public safety administrative authority and the communication link between those wanting to dig and buried infrastructure owners who are required to provide locates.

Ontario One Call does not physically mark the lines, pipes, or cables. They relay the dig information to the buried infrastructure owners so they can mark (locate) based on the request you submit.

To Obtain a Building Permit

We recommend that you obtain and review a copy of our Permit Information Package before attending our office for a permit. View the Forms, Applications, Permits page for other Building related forms & applications.

Please contact the Building Department at 705-292-9507 ext. 214 prior to your visit, to ensure that someone will be available to meet with you to review your plans.

To Book a Building Inspection (Open Building Permits)

Mandatory inspections by the Chief Building Official and/or Inspectors are required at specific stages of construction. These inspections are to ensure that Ontario Building Code regulations are being followed. Two days (48 hours) notice is required for these inspections. It is the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that inspections are completed and the permit is closed.

Inspections can be booked by calling the Building Department at 705-292-9507 ext. 214.

Other Agencies, Permits or Approvals to be Aware of

Prior to Building Permit issuance it must be shown that you are in compliance with any other Agency that may have jurisdiction with respect to the proposal. This could be any of the following:

Otonabee Region Conservation Authority (ORCA)

Otonobee Region Conservation Authority (ORCA)
250 Milroy Drive, Peterborough, Ontario

Tel: 705-745-5791
Fax: 705-743-7488

Permits required for:
  • Minor filling 
  • Minor construction - accessory buildings such as boathouse, garages 
  • Major Construction - dwellings, cottages, additions 
  • Basements, crawlspaces
Selwyn Public Works Department (Roads)

Selwyn Public Works Department (Roads)

Tel: 705-292-9507
Fax: 705-292-6491

Permits required for:

  • Culverts located on Township roads
  • Entrances (Driveways) located on Township roads
Peterborough County Public Works Department (Roads)

County of Peterborough Public Works Department (Roads)

Tel: 705-775-2737

Permits required for:

  • Culverts located on County roads
  • Entrances (Driveways) located on County roads
Ministry of Transportation (MTO)

Ministry of Transportation (MTO)

Tel: 1-800-554-0487

Permits required for:

  • Culverts located on Provincial Highways
  • Entrances (Driveways) located on Provincial Highways
Trent-Severn Waterway (TSW)

Trent Severn Waterways
2155 Ashburnham Drive, Peterborough, Ontario

Tel: 705-750-4900 
Fax: 705-742-9644

Permits required for:

  • Any 'in water' work (docks, boathouses, retaining walls)
  • This refers to new construction  as well as repairs to existing facilities.  
Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR)

Ministry of Natural Resources

Tel: 705-755-2001
Toll Free:  1-800-667-1940

Permits required for:

  • for any docks over 140 sq. ft. in area
  • any retaining wall construction

Note: While the MNR does not require a permit for docks under 140 sq. ft. they still have jurisdiction. Concrete is not permitted to be placed in the water for new construction or repairs to existing facilities. Contact M.N.R. in respect to their jurisdiction.

Electrical Safety Authority (ESA)

Electrical Safety Authority
155 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga, Ontario

Tel: 1-800-305-7383


  • 6.5 ft. separation between main feeder hydro lines and any construction 
  • 5 ft. separation between secondary lines and construction  

Note: New building and/or extensions to buildings must maintain a required setback from overhead and underground power lines and padmount transformers. Setbacks and minimum clearances are identified in safety regulations such as the Ontario Electrical Safety Code, the Ontario Building Code, and HydroOne Distribution Standards.

Ministry of the Environment (MOE) - Well Information

Ministry of the Environment
125 Resources Road, Toronto, Ontario

Tel: 1-888-396-9355 

Contact for:

  • Completing, submitting or obtaining a copy of a Well Record
Selwyn Fire Department

Selwyn Township Fire Department
833 Ward Street, Bridgenorth, Ontario

Tel: 705-292-7282

Contact for:

  • Fireplace and woodstove compliance information
  • Fire prevention measures
Building Fees
Group A - AssemblyFee (per square ft)Fee (per square metre)Fee (per unit)
All Assembly Classifications $2.45 $26.37  
Portable Classroom     $557.32
Group B - InstitutionalFee (per square ft)Fee (per square metre)
All Institutional Classifications $2.45 $26.37
Group C - Residential Dwelling (SDD, Semi, Row, Duplex, Triplex, etc.)Fee (per square ft)Fee (per square metre)Fee (per unit)
Finished $1.83 $19.75  
Unfinished $1.23 $13.24  
Carport, Shed, Deck, Porch/Covered Deck (as part of a new dwelling permit)     $323.41
Garage Attached (as part of a new dwelling permit)     $539.01
Multi Unit Residential (Row, Triplex, Fourplex, Apartments) $2.08 $22.44  
Creation of New Dwelling Unit Within an Existing Building $1.23 $13.24  
Stand Alone Permit - Garage, Carport, Shed, Deck. $0.93 $9.99  
Group D - Business and Personal ServiceFee (per square ft)Fee (per square metre)
Shell $1.83 $19.75
Finished $2.15 $23.12
Finishing of Existing Shell $0.32 $3.37
Group E- MercantileFee (per square ft)Fee (per square metre)
Shell $1.55 $16.62
Finished $1.83 $19.75
Finishing of Existing Shell $0.39 $3.37
Group F - IndustrialFee (per square ft)Fee (per square metre)
Shell $0.93 $9.99
Finished $1.10 $11.79
Finishing of Existing Shell $0.32 $3.37
AgriculturalFee (per square ft)Fee (per square metre)Fee (per unit)
Farm Building $0.48 $5.18  
Silo, Manure Tank or Pit, etc.     $539.01
MiscellaneousFee (per square ft)Fee (per square metre)Fee (per unit)
Fireplace / Wood Stove     $323.41
Commercial Cooking Exhaust Hood     $539.01
Fire Alarms New/Alteration     $539.01
Solar Collector     $539.01
Retaining Wall $2.45 $8.03  
Temporary Event Tent     $323.41
Alterations / RenovationsFee (per square ft)Fee (per square metre)
Minor $0.32 $3.37
Major $0.48 $5.18
Change of UseFee (per unit)
No Construction Proposed $323.41
Alternative SolutionFee (per unit)
All Classifications $808.52
Backflow Prevention device and/or backwater valves (additional devices $159) $323.41
Up to 10 Plumbing Fixtures - New construction or major renovation $228.83
Over 10 Plumbing Fixtures - New construction or major renovation $406.80
Each Service $161.70
Sewage System Fee 
Class 4 Sewage System- New ≤ 4500 L/day $1,017.00
Class 4 Sewage System- New > 4500L - < 10,000 L/day $1,474.65
Class 4 Sewage System- Repair/Extension/Replace tank $508.50
Class 5 Sewage System (Holding Tank) $1,017.00
Sewage System Evaluation Review $406.80
Severance or subdivision comments First Lot $300 each additional lot $150 $305.10
Class 2 & 3 Sewage Systems $508.50
DemolitionFee (per unit)
Demolition of a Building or Part Thereof $323.41
Demolition of a Building or Part Thereof which requires a Professional Engineer $323.41
Construction Without a PermitFee
Normal Fee will be doubled Fee x 2
Revision to examined plans(All permit classifications)Fee (per square ft)Fee (per square metre)Fee (per unit)
Minor Revision     $161.70
Major Revision (Minimum Fee $318.00) $0.07 $0.73  
Building permit transferFee (per unit)
All Classifications $222.94
Building permit renewal feeFee (per unit)
All Classifications $222.94
Additional inspectionsFee (per unit)
Fees per inspection deemed necessary by the Chief Building Official or for call-back inspections where the work was not complete/failed inspection (applicable to existing buildings or defective/deficient new/altered $167.19
Public swimming pools / spasFee (per unit)
As defined in the O.B.C. section 3.11 and 3.12 $557.32
Private swimming pools / spasFee (per unit)
Above ground pool enclosure - As defined in the Township of Selwyn Pool By-law 2001-059 $254.25
Private Pool - Inground pool enclosure - As defined in the Township of Selwyn Pool By-law 2001-059 406.80


Conditional Building Permit
20% of applicable fee to a maximum of $2,000.00
Discharge of posted OrderFee (per unit)
  $61.02 each
Minimum fee for all classes of permits listed aboveFee (per unit)
  $323.41 each

Entrance Permits Fee
Standard Culvert Size: 450 mm (18 in) Diameter x 8 m (26 ft) length
Note: Size to be confirmed by Public Works Department

Please contact the Public Works Department for pricing.

Entrance Permit/Review $203.40
Development Fees
Municipal Development Charges
Other Development Fees
ORCA Floodplain Mapping
View Floodplain Mapping for the area.
Energy Efficiency Design Summary (EEDS) Forms & FAQs

New EEDS forms and FAQs are now available to assist permit applicants, designers, contractors, energy evaluators and building officials in navigating the new SB-12 requirements. With refinements to the energy efficiency compliance path options in SB-12 it was felt separate forms for the prescriptive and performance methods would better serve the industry.

When using the forms it is important that the information being captured from the Architectural and Mechanical documents is consistent. The Guide on the reverse side of the form provides some additional information on completing the forms. The EEDS forms are included in our permit application and we invite you to visit the OBOA website for more information.

Building & Planning Services Review 2020

The Township of Selwyn has completed a review of the services of the Building and Planning Department.

Background Documents:

Stakeholder Engagement:

Building Forms
Visit the Forms, Applications, Permits page
Building & Planning Financial Report

For Planning related services, visit the Planning Services page.

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