The Township of Selwyn is a lower tier municipality governed by a five member Council comprised of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, and three Councillors who represent the wards of Smith, Ennismore, and Lakefield. Selwyn is a part of the upper tier County of Peterborough with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor representing the Township on the Peterborough County Council.

Council members serve for a four year term of office. As part of their role as a Councillor, members also serve on a variety of Committees that support municipal operations.

Group Photo of 2022-2026 Council Members

Photo (Left to Right): Lakefield Ward Councillor John Boyko, Deputy Mayor Ron Black, Mayor Sherry Senis, Smith Ward Councillor Brian Henry, Ennismore Ward Councillor Mary Coulas

Each member of Council serves as a member on one of the Township's various Boards and Committees:

  • Mayor Sherry Senis: Selwyn Public Library Board
  • Deputy Mayor Ron Black: Otonabee Conservation Board 
  • Ennismore Ward Councillor Mary Coulas: Joint Township-County Accessibility Advisory Committee
  • Smith Ward Councillor Brian Henry: Smith-Ennismore Police Services Board
  • Lakefield Ward Councillor John Boyko: Otonabee Conservation Board and liaison representative on the Peterborough Police Service Board

Send an email to all five Council Members:

Members of Council
Sherry Senis, Mayor

Photo of Mayor Sherry SenisEmail Mayor Senis
Cell: 705-930-6202

Sherry is a resident of Selwyn and is the proud mother of two daughters and four grandchildren. She is an active member of the Selwyn Women’s Institute. She is a proud recipient of a Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal for community involvement. With her history of community involvement and a background in business, Sherry continues to bring her experience and strong voice to Council meetings. She feels honoured and privileged to represent the Township as Mayor, after having served two terms as Smith Ward Councillor, and two terms as Deputy Mayor.

She believes in sustainable growth through responsible development and intends to work on creating a healthier business climate, which will foster job creation. 

She is a staunch advocate of open and transparent government and wants to continue annual town hall meetings and the township newsletter, the Council Communicator.

She will also be advocating for additional affordable housing and for long term care beds, and attracting and retaining family physicians to the area.

She foresees a council that will direct and initiate – not just react to issues.

Sherry’s goal is to evoke positive change and to continue to enhance the quality of life for all residents of Selwyn.

Sherry is always available by email or by phone for you to voice concerns, questions, ideas and comments.  

Ron Black, Deputy Mayor

Photo of Deputy Mayor Ron BlackEmail Deputy Mayor Black
Cell: 705-740-3729

Ron and his wife Sharon graduated as Registered Respiratory Therapists from the Michener Institute in Toronto in 1978 and moved to Peterborough for jobs at the former Civic and St. Joseph’s Hospitals. Married in 1980 and raised three children in Selwyn Township, they currently live in the Young’s Point area. In 1986 they opened Breox Medical Inc., a homecare company on Chemong Road in Smith Township and eventually sold to Praxair Canada Inc. Ron continued to work for Praxair as the Director of Business Development/Productivity until retiring in 2016.

Ron’s political career started in 1993 as Councillor at Large/Smith Township after Chairing Smith Community Rallies Against Polluting Sites (SCRAPS). SCRAPS successfully removed a Township site from the proposed Peterborough County mega dump short list. Ron was acclaimed a second term on Council during the municipal amalgamation process where Ennismore, Smith and Lakefield merged into Selwyn Township. Ron served as Chair of the Smith Ennismore Police Services Board (SEPSB) and the Fire Department. Upon leaving Council in 2000, Ron became the provincial appointee to the SEPSB for three terms. He is currently President/Abbeyfield House Society of Lakefield, Vice Chair/Four Counties Addiction Services & Treatment and Loans Committee Chair/Community Futures. Ron has Chaired the Greater Peterborough Health Services Foundation, and been involved in numerous health related provincial and national organizations.

Selwyn Township’s population is growing at an ever increasing rate and as a former member of council with business development, productivity and planning experience, Ron will use that expertise to ensure that there is an appropriate balance between sustainable development, infrastructure, social, environmental and cultural needs for Selwyn residents. Ron believes in open and transparent government and will support initiatives to improve communication and inclusiveness for all residents of Selwyn Township.

Mary Coulas, Ennismore Ward Councillor

Photo of Ennismore Councillor Mary CoulasEmail Councillor Coulas
Cell: 705-740-4179

Born in Renfrew, Ontario, Mary is a long-time resident of Ennismore, Ontario. While travel and adventure are always an interest, Mary, her partner, three young children, and pets enjoy exploring Selwyn’s local communities, farms, and nature areas.

After graduating from St. Peter’s Secondary School, Mary completed studies at Trent University (BA), Sir Sandford Fleming College (EMT), and University of Western Ontario (MA). Mary is currently completing her Ph.D. in the Department of Political Science at Carleton University, studying the development of Canada’s first national food policy.

As an academic, Mary teaches and publishes on Canadian political institutions, public administration, and agri-food policy. At the intersection of research and practice, Mary has conducted research with national advocacy organizations and worked for the Upper Thames Regional Conservation Authority and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. To better her community Mary is an active member of the Edmison Heights School Council and the Food for Kids Committee, as well as leads a Sparks/Brownies unit, and is the Student Nutrition Program coordinator at Edmiston Heights Public School.

As a councillor, academic, and parent Mary believes life-long learning, openness, and meaningful engagement are key for Selwyn’s communities to develop in a responsible, respectful, and sustainable manner.

Brian Henry, Smith Ward Councillor

Photo of Smith Ward Councillor Brian HenryEmail Councillor Henry
Cell: 705-740-4241

Brian grew up in the Muskoka region, spent a number of years travelling and working abroad before settling in Smith 20 years ago and starting a family with his wife Geri-lynn raising four children. Brian studied Business Management, Emergency & Incident Management, Disaster Management, Climate Change & Environmental Management, Agriculture & Food Security Management earning him a variety of certifications from institutions like MTCU, Cornell University and the Humanitarian Academy - Harvard University.

Henry has served the community as Lakefield Village Merchants Ice Sculpting Competition founder and organizer, Co-Chairman Kawartha Choice Farm Fresh Committee, Peterborough and the Kawarthas Chamber of Commerce Policy Committee, and has actively worked fundraising for numerous projects in our region. He operates the Angle Iron Kitchen; a small business in Lakefield, writes for numerous publications and is a post secondary professor.

Brian believes that as a community we all have work to do here to maintain our way of life for our children and future generations.  Coming together as a community and working towards finding a balance between all of the concerns our citizens have as we move forward is an achievable goal.

Brian can be reached by email or phone to discuss matters important to you and our community.

John Boyko, Lakefield Ward Councillor

Photo of Lakefield Councillor John BoykoEmail Councillor Boyko
Cell: 705-927-3093

John was born in Hamilton, raised in Peterborough, and he and his wife Sue have lived in Lakefield for over 30 years. He is a father and grandfather of two active granddaughters. He graduated from Crestwood Secondary School and earned degrees from Trent, Queen’s, and McMaster Universities.

John is a retired teacher and administrator having served as the Head of History at Lakefield District Secondary School, the Board’s Secondary School Program Consultant, and Lakefield College School’s Dean of Social Science and then its Director of Summer Programs.

An author, John has written eight books addressing Canadian history and politics, contributes editorials for newspapers across Canada, and writes entries for the Canadian Encyclopedia.

John was Lakefield’s Deputy Reeve and Peterborough County Councillor and has served on the Boards of ORCA and Children’s Aid. He chaired the Boards of the Lakefield Library, Morton Community Healthcare Centre, and the Peterborough Social Planning Council and is currently the Chair of the Board of the Lakefield Literary Festival and a member of the Morton Community Healthcare Centre Board.

John believes that council must actively employ the tools it has to manage growth that is fiscally responsible and environmentally sustainable while respecting and enhancing our community’s safety, character, and quality of life. 

Meetings (Agendas, Minutes, Live Streaming)

Council meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday and fourth Tuesday of the month and begin at 1:00 pm at 1310 Centre Line. The Township live streams Council and Committee of Adjustment meetings and offers the option to virtually participate.

Speak at an Upcoming Council Meeting

Selwyn Township Council welcomes and encourages presentations and deputations to Council.

If you would like to make a presentation to Council, please contact the Clerk with a written request no less than 6 days prior to the Council meeting.

Your request must clearly identify the reason(s) you wish to speak to Council and include the name(s) of those who will be speaking. Presentations are limited to 10 minutes. 

Code of Conduct, Procedural By-law and Open & Closed Meeting Process

Code of Conduct

Members of Council have the privilege of attaining elected office. That privilege carries significant responsibilities and obligations with respect to public trust. In order to strengthen the role of Council and to enhance public trust with respect to obligations of its members, the Code of Conduct is established to govern and regulate the ethical conduct of all Council members.  

Council Code of Conduct By-law

Procedural By-law 

The Procedure By-law, as amended, governs the proceedings of meetings of Council and Committees.

Procedure By-law

Open & Closed Meeting Process

All meetings of Council are open to the public with the exception of closed meetings of Council held under Section 239 (2) of the Municipal Act. The Township of Selwyn has appointed a Closed Meeting Investigator and authorizes the Investigator to conduct investigations upon receipt of a complaint to determine compliance with the Act or the Municipal Procedural By-law and to report on the results of such investigation.

Integrity Commissioner

The Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Local Boards outlines the principles and rules of good conduct and ethics that Council or Local Board members are expected to demonstrate in the performance of their duties.

In accordance with Section 223 of the Municipal Act, 2001, the Township of Selwyn has the authority to appoint an Integrity Commissioner. The Integrity Commissioner has the power to assess and investigate complaints respecting alleged contraventions of the Code of Conduct or any policy, procedure or by-law adopted by Council.

The Integrity Commissioner reports to Council and is responsible for performing, in an independent manner, the following three duties:

  • Complaint Investigation;
  • Complaint Adjudication; and
  • Preparing and Presenting Reports to Council.

Individuals who have identified or witnessed behaviour or an action by a member of Council or a Local Board, in their capacity as members of Council or a Local Board for the Township of Selwyn, that they believe is in contravention of the Code of Conduct, may address the matter through a complaint process outlined in the Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Local Boards. 

Integrity Commissioner:

Tony Fleming

Cunningham, Swan, Carty, Little & Bonham LLP
27 Princess Street, Suite 300
Kingston, Ontario

K7L 1A3

Tel: 613-544-0211 ext. 8096


Council Communicator Newsletter

2024 Council Communicator


Contact Council 
  1. Send an email to all five Council Members:

  2. Send an email to an individual Council Member:

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