Current Designation Applications

There are currently no designation applications.

Municipal Heritage Register (Designated and Non-Designated Heritage Properties)

Non-Designated Properties

The Township of Selwyn maintains a Heritage Register that contains information on properties that are of heritage significance. Note: These properties have not been designated under Section 4 of the Ontario Heritage Act.

Designated Properties

Lakefield Post Office: 1914-1976

Former Lakefield Post OfficeThe property at 12 Queen Street in the Village of Lakefield is worthy of designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for its cultural heritage value or interest as an example of early 20th century public architecture. The building, classical in style, with Italianate features, is typical of public buildings built during the tenure of Chief Architect, David Ewart. The building served as the Village post office for 60 years, from 1916 to 1976. The four-sided clock tower of the Former Post Office makes it the tallest building in the Village and a landmark of the downtown.

The Pavilion, Lakefield: 1909

Lakefield PavillionBuilt in 1909 and located in Isabel Morris Park - 20 Concession Street, Lakefield, this pavilion was originally a wall less open structure used during the steamboat era as a waiting station for rail passengers transferring to the local steamboats. In the 1950's the building was enclosed and the Lakefield Sea Scouts formerly used it as their "Scout Ship".

T.C. Yonge House & Store, Lakefield: 1861-64

46 Queen StreetThis two section L-shaped building, constructed between 1861 and 1864, located at 46 Queen Street, Lakefield, as laid out by Zaccheus Burnham in 1849. The building is typical of the construction trends of the mid 1800's. The façade on the Queen Street side shows one prominent second floor gable with a stable roof design. The main floor façade shows a five-window store front with recessed centre entrance above which is a narrow overhang. There is a separate house entrance covered by a plain pediment supported by two prominent brackets extending out over Queen Street. The five small one-over-one pane upstairs windows are typical of the period as is the one downstairs two-over-two pane window. The overall form, construction materials used, and outline of the entire building is in keeping with the hotel-boarding house-livery stable concept of the mid 1800's. The building was a landmark as it was located on a main downtown corner and was variously used as a hotel, tavern, livery stable, boarding house, coach stop, billiard hall, barber shop, fruit store and T.C. Yonge family grocery store. The building has been part and parcel of the history, architecture and life of the Village over the years and is a building worthy of its heritage designation.

Christ Church & Cemetery, Lakefield: 1853-54

Christ ChurchBuilt in 1853-54 and located at 62 Queen Street, Christ Church was the first parish in the Village of Lakefield and is one of the oldest in the area. Colonel Samuel Strickland, one of the earliest and most prominent settlers in the district, was the man most responsible for the building of the church. The cemetery which closed in 1886, was the community burial ground. Church records indicate 108 burials were made.

Memorial Hall, Lakefield: 1920

Image of Memorial Hall in LakefieldThe property at 8 Queen Street in the Village of Lakefield, Ontario is worthy of designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for its cultural heritage value or interest as an interpretation of the Classical Revival Style, which was very popular at the time of its construction in the early 20th century. The building represents the integration of important historical events with the daily function of Village life through its memorialization of those who served in the military during the first world war, and homage to the original structure that occupied the site. The building functioned as municipal offices, a fire hall and council chambers, and now serves the community as programming space for the library, Renewed Classics and office space. Its layout is a reminder of its use as a public space, especially with the presence of the Centennial Room, which still retains its original grandeur including original pressed tin ceilings. The building has had many uses since its construction, always to serve the community. The building remains a landmark in the Village of Lakefield and stands as a testament to its civic pride.

Johnson Bickell Cemetery: 1800s
Johnson Bickell Cemetery

Johnson Bickell Cemetery is located on the south-west corner of the Lakefield Road (County Road 29) and the Sixth Line of Smith and it constitutes an early example of the family burial plot in what is now Selwyn Township. It exists as a tangible reminder of the traditions surrounding death and burial in nineteenth century rural Ontario, and is illustrative of the cultural, landscape and settlement patterns of the period.  The existing markers were constructed of white marble, which is recognized as a fundamental material in early monument construction in what is now Ontario. The variations in carving of names, dates, epitaphs, and decorative motifs suggest that they are the work of individual local craftsmen whose work predates modern machine production techniques. 

The Den, Lakefield: 1869

Photo of 59 Clementi Street

Located at 59 Clementi Street, this simply constructed frame house was built before 1869. The windows are four paned, two over two - with one curved window in the south-facing peak. The walls of one inch plank construction are overclad in clapboard. It is a storey and a half, with verandah on one side and porch on the other. Huge cedar beams with bark support the houses, with thick stone walls. Agnes Fitzgibbon Chamberlain lived here, owning the property from 1894-1913. A daughter of Susanna Moodie, she did the painting and lithographies for her Aunt Catherine Parr Traill's book, "Canadian Wildflowers", published in 1868. This gives the house a historical significance worthy of designation.

St. Martin's Parish Hall, Ennismore: 1904

Image of St. Martin's Parish in EnnismoreThe property at 507 Ennis Road in the hamlet of Ennismore, Ontario is worthy of designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for its cultural heritage value or interest because it is part of an intact ecclesiastical landscape that speaks to both the influence and the historic role of the church in the everyday lives of citizens and to the importance of rural life in Ontario. As an intact Parish Hall it has strong ties to the community that it has served for over 100 years. It has brought together members of the community otherwise dispersed across a large area to create a sense of unity and mutual support. The Hall served as one of the first continuation schools erected in this part of Ontario and appears to be a rare example of a continuation school in a village setting. It remains both an important touchstone for the hundreds of students who spent many years in the school and a landmark in its rural setting. The structure relates to the surrounding buildings owned by the Roman Catholic Church in Ennismore that reinforce the Church's history as a major focal point in the area. St. Martin's Parish Hall has served as a cultural and historic centre of the community of Ennismore for more than a century and it contributed to the village's role as the hub in a rural, social and cultural network. Architecturally, the structure is of interest in its vernacular, eclectic interpretation of the Gothic Revival and Italianate styles.

Grant Home "Caroline House", Lakefield: 1874

Photo of 33 Caroline Street

Caroline House was built circa 1874 and is located at 33 Caroline Street, Lakefield. It is a typical "Ontario House" of frame construction with clapboard siding, one and a half stories high with gable side facing the front. The façade is entirely symmetrical, with a central dormer. The porches, with turned classical revival columns, were a popular local style at the turn of the century. The designation does not include the interior

Old Stone Mill House, Lakefield: 1858

The property at 44 Bridge Street in the Village of Lakefield, Ontario is worthy of designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for its cultural heritage value or  interest as a Georgian-style house constructed in stone. The house, which was constructed in 1858 and is the only example of this type in the Village, demonstrates the key characteristics of the Georgian-style including the symmetrical three-bay massing and centre hall plan.  Despite its later additions, it retains the important elements of this architectural style as it was adapted in North America in the early to mid-nineteenth century. This local landmark holds many key heritage attributes including, but not limited to, granite and limestone construction, gable roof, symmetrically placed chimneys and central entrance.  The subject property has direct associations with significant local figures, Frank Hyde D’Arcy and John Hull, the first two owners of the house, who owned and operated the flour mill constructed on the Smith Township side of the Otonabee River, beginning in 1858. The flour mill was a key economic driver in the village of Lakefield in the mid-nineteenth century and both D’Arcy and Hull prominent men in the community. Hull, in particular, was an important figure in the second half of the century serving on the village Council and as Reeve.

2080 Chemong Road

2080 Chemong Road is a representative example of a stone farmhouse constructed in the Smith Ward in the mid-nineteenth century.  

2080 Chemong Road The house was constructed in the early 1850s and is one of several similar stone farmhouses constructed in the rural area during this period.  The home demonstrates a high degree of craftsmanship in the masonry finishes and in its use of both local granite and limestone.  The home has historical and associative value in its association with Alexander Scott, an early settler in the former Smith Township, and with William Telford, a local stone mason.

Kawartha Park Chapel - 2488 Hiawatha Lane, Smith Ward

Kawartha Park Chapel is an important and unique example of an early twentieth-century cottage community church.  Reflecting its non-denominational background, the simplicity of design

reflects the church's mandate.  Constructed in 1925, the Chapel demonstrates various heritage attributes that apply to all elevation including the roof, facades, entrances, windows chimneys and trim. It is consistent with the rustic aesthetic which characterized many cottage communities and their associated architecture, including houses of worship, developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century through the use of natural materials and its simplicity of form drawn from vernacular architectural traditions. At the same time, it reflects the prevalent trends in church building in Ontario in the nineteenth and early twentieth century through its integration of Gothic Revival elements into its overarching design.

The church continues to be the centre for community events in the recreational cottage community of Kawartha Park.

Heritage Property Tax Relief Program

This program provides a tax relief to eligible property owners to help maintain and restore their heritage properties. The tax relief is (applicable to the municipal tax levy only) between 20% and 40% to owners of eligible heritage properties.

For properties to be eligible for tax relief, the property must have a designated structure under the Heritage Act. Owners would enter into an agreement with the Township which would protect the heritage features of their property and encourage good stewardship. All applications will be reviewed and approved by the Selwyn Municipal Heritage Committee.

 Selwyn Municipal Heritage Committee

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