Prior to your visit, ensure that you have all required documents and fees and call the Municipal Office to ensure that a qualified staff member will be available to issue the applicable licence. 

Birth & Death Registration
To apply for an Ontario Birth or Death Certificate or to register a Birth, please visit the Service Ontario website.
Dog Licences

Visit the Dogs page

Marriage Licences

Visit the Marriage Licences page

Lottery Licences

The Township of Selwyn issues Licences for Charitable Gaming Events that include Raffles, Bingo's, Break Open Tickets (Nevadas), and Bazaars.

Visit the Lottery Licences page


Visit ServiceOntario's website for information about, or renewal of, the following:

  • Drivers
  • Vehicles
  • Health card
  • Birth, marriage and death
  • Identification (ID)
  • Fishing, hunting and camping
  • Housing and property
  • Education and Training
  • Business services
Can't Find What You're Looking For?
  • Visit the By-laws & Policies page for other various Township licences (ex. Trailer Park, Refreshment Vehicle, Bed & Breakfast, etc.)

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