Agendas for Committee and Board meetings can be found on the Calendar page of the website.

Accessibility Advisory Committee Logo

The Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) provides information and recommendations to Township and County Councils with regard to accessibility issues. The Committee strives to reduce barriers to accessibility for persons with disabilities.

The Committee consists of three representatives who have a disability; two appointed by the Selwyn Township and one appointed by Peterborough County. The Committee serves both Peterborough County and Selwyn Township, and includes one political representative from each of the respective Councils. Staff from both the County and Township support the Committee.

Members generally meet monthly (excluding July/August).


  • Thomas E. Campbell - Public Member appointed by Selwyn Township
  • Eric Thornley - Public Member appointed by Selwyn Township
  • Alec Denys - Public Member appointed by Peterborough County
  • Councillor Mary Coulas - Selwyn Township Council Representative
  • Councillor Carolyn Amyotte - Peterborough County Council Representative
  • Angela Chittick - Selwyn Township Staff
  • Kari Stevenson - Peterborough County Staff
  • Sarah Boyd - Peterborough County Staff

The Committee of Adjustment is a committee, comprised of Council members, which deals with minor variances and meets once a month. The Committee of Adjustment is authorized to grant minor variances from the Township's Zoning By-law, and to permit enlargements, extensions or changes to legal non-conforming uses.


  • Mayor Sherry Senis - Chair 
  • Deputy Mayor Ron Black
  • Councillor John Boyko
  • Councillor Mary Coulas
  • Councillor Brian Henry

Where an owner of land desires to construct, repair or maintain a fence to mark the boundary between the owner's land and adjoining land but the owner and the owner of the adjoining land cannot agree on how the costs of constructing, maintaining or repairing the fence should be apportioned, either owner may request fence-viewers arbitrate the dispute. 

Minimum of three members from the community at large. No Council appointees. 

Members meet on an as needed basis.


  • Glen Bilton
  • Lorna Plunkett
  • David Lavallee

The Heritage Committee's role is advisory and consultative. The Committee will advise and assist Council in matters relating to heritage conservation districts, individual structures of historical and/or architectural significance, and the conservation of archaeological resources and cultural landscape features. The Committee will also encourage and promote heritage conservation within the Township and assist property owners in undertaking appropriate conservation/ preservation and maintenance practices.

The Committee is comprised of one Council representative and is made up of 4-6 members from the community at large. The committee is also supported by Township staff.  

Members meet quarterly, or on a more frequent basis as required.


  • James Forester
  • Stephen Gavard
  • Valerie Kuch
  • Terry McQuitty
  • Tom McAllister 
  • Brian Henry - Council Representative
  • Robert Kelly - Staff
  • Tania Goncalves - Staff

The Library Board is a governing body mandated by the Public Library Act. The Board works closely with staff to provide library services, manage budgets and develop strategic goals.

The Board is comprised of one Council representative with the remainder of the members being representatives from the community at large. The Committee shall consist of a minimum of five members to a maximum of nine members.

Members meet monthly (excluding July/August).


  • Donna Hayes
  • Rosellen Hickey
  • Barbara Jinkerson
  • Andy Mitchell
  • Catherine Praamsma
  • Lisa Yonemitsu
  • Mayor Sherry Senis - Council Representative  
  • Sarah Hennessey - Staff
  • R. Lane Vance - Staff

Property Standards are to ensure that all environmental nuisances in residential neighbourhoods are eliminated and that substandard and deteriorated structures become compliant with minimum property maintenance code requirements. Property Standards' staff also work closely with neighbourhood groups and concerned citizens by acquainting them with Municipal By-laws and helping them monitor their own neighbourhoods to prevent deterioration. Staff address items such as high weeds, deteriorated houses and unlicensed or inoperable cars. Property Standards are governed by By-law and the Building Code Act and require a committee to address any appeals to Orders issued by Township staff. 

Minimum of three members from the community at large. No Council appointees. 

Members meet on an as needed basis.


  • Glen Bilton
  • Lorna Plunkett

The Township of Selwyn is part of the Peterborough County OPP Detachment Board which was formalized on April 1, 2024. The Peterborough County OPP Detachment Board is established to fulfil the requirements of Section 67 of the Community Safety and Policing Act (CSPA) and any regulations thereunder. The Board is comprised of 15 members. 


  • Asphodel-Norwood Township - Pat Wilford 
  • Curve Lake First Nation - Jeffrey Jacobs
  • Douro-Dummer Township - Heather Watson
  • Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Township - Hart Webb
  • Hiawatha First Nation - Laurie Carr
  • North Kawartha Township - Carolyn Amyotte
  • Otonabee-South Monaghan Township - Joe Taylor
  • Selwyn Township - Brian Henry
  • Municipality of Trent Lakes - John Braybrook
  • Community Appointee 1 - TBD
  • Community Appointee 2 - TBD
  • Community Appointee 3 - TBD
  • Provincial Appointee 1 - Caroline Goodenough (Douro-Dummer)
  • Provincial Appointee 2 - TBD
  • Provincial Appointee 3 - TBD

Emmanuel Pinto

Board Administrator

Peterborough County OPP Detachment Board

704-743-0380 x2510

From time-to-time the Township develops working groups or ad-hoc committees to explore a specific issue, topic or task. These groups/committees can be composed of Council members, private citizens, business owners etc. depending on the topic or need. The group or committee is generally dissolved after the completion of the task or full review of the issue/topic.

There are currently no working groups/ad-hoc committees. Please check back again.

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Township of Selwyn
1310 Centre Line
Selwyn, Ontario K9J 6X5
Phone: (705) 292-9507 TF: (877) 213-7419
Email Us