Payment methods differ by type, please expand the category below:
Property Taxes
Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) Plans

Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) plans can be started at any point in the year, as long as the account is paid up to date. Note: we require 5 business days' notice for additions, deletions or plan changes. There are 5 types of plans available:

  • Installment Plan: withdrawn automatically from your bank account on the installment due dates;
  • Monthly Plan: withdrawn on the 15th of the month, 10 months of the year (February through November). Monthly payment amounts are printed on the interim and final tax bills each year.
  • Monthly 30 Plan: withdrawn on the 30th of the month, 10 months of the year (February through November). Monthly payment amounts are printed on the interim and final tax bills each year.
  • Monthly x2 Plan: withdrawn on the 15th and the 30th of the month, 10 months of the year (February through November). Monthly payment amounts are printed on the interim and final tax bills each year.
  • Arrangements for the Arrears Management plan can be made by contacting the Taxation and Billing Supervisor. 


Plan Number of Withdrawals per Year Withdrawal Date Payment amount
Monthly 15 10 15th of the month Calculated based on balance over number of months remaining
Monthly 30 10 30th of the month Calculated based on balance over number of months remaining
Monthly x 2 20 15th and 30th of the month Calculated based on balance over number of months remaining
Installment 4 On the installment due dates Installment amount

Arrears Management

10 or 20 15th and/or 30th of the month Agreed upon by owner and Township


Additional Details
  • Enrollments, cancellations, plan type changes and banking information changes must be received at least 5 business days prior to the withdrawal date.
  • A $25.00 charge will apply for any returned payments (not sufficient funds, account frozen, incorrect banking information provided, etc.). If 2 payments are returned in a year, the plan will be cancelled. Re-enrollment can occur as long as the account is paid to date.
  • To determine your monthly payment amount, each bill is divided by the number of monthly payments. The payment amount is printed on the tax bill:
    • Interim bill reflects payment amount for February, March, April, May and June
    • Final bill reflects payment amount for July, August, September, October and November
  • The Installment plan amounts are withdrawn in the amount reflected on your interim and final tax bills, on the due dates reflected on the tax bills.
  • Supplemental levies may be withdrawn differently based on the number of payments left in the plan: you would be notified in writing of this change. 


Already enrolled and wondering what your payment amount is? 3 examples can be found on our VTH page.
Online or Telephone Banking
Property Taxes
  • Search under Selwyn in your bank's vendor listing to set up your account - select the Tax option
  • Your 19 digit Property Roll Number is your "account number" (don't use the period/decimal)
  • If you are paying for more than one property, please enter each payment separately
Cash, Debit & Cheque
  • Cash and debit payments must be made at the Municipal Office
  • Cheques are payable to "The Township of Selwyn"
  • Please feel free to mail or use our secure black drop box located at the Municipal Office to deposit payments by cheque
 Credit Card through PaySimply: Property Taxes

Visit, a secure, third-party Canadian payment provider. Please allow up to 7 business days for processing. Payments will be recorded on the date that they are received by our office. 

paysimply logo


Visit the PaySimply Property Tax payment page


A convenience fee will be applied to cover payment handling and processing charges, these fees are clearly stated on the payment page. All fees are paid to PaySimply and the township does not retain any portion of the fee. You will be notified of the fee amount before the payment is processed. You will also receive an email confirmation of your transaction including fees paid.

You will need your 19 digit Roll Number to make a payment: your roll number is 19 numbers (don't use the period/decimal) and can be found on your tax notice or reminder letter

Credit card payments cannot be processed in person at the municipal office.

 General payments

Looking to pay for a service or product offered at our office?

Payments can be made by:

  • Cash, cheque, and debit at the Municipal Office
Lakefield Water & Sewer - for Lakefield only
Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) Plans

Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) plans can be started at any point in the year, as long as the account is paid up to date. Note: we require 5 business days' notice for additions, deletions or plan changes. There are 2 types of plans available:

  • Monthly Plan: withdrawn automatically from your bank account on the 28th of every month
  • Installment Plan: withdrawn automatically from your bank account on the bill due dates
    • flat rate accounts: every 2 months the 28th
    • metered accounts: every month on the 28th


Plan Number of Withdrawals per Year Withdrawal Date Payment Amount
Monthly (UMON) 12 28th of the month Calculated on enrollment based on start date and balance remaining
Installment (UINST) 6 or 12 28th of every other month (flat rate) or every month (metered) depending on account type Bill amount
Additional Details
  • Enrollments, cancellations, plan type changes and banking information changes must be received at least 5 business days prior to the withdrawal date.
  • A $25.00 charge will apply for any returned payments (not sufficient funds, account frozen, incorrect banking information provided, etc.). If 2 payments are returned in a year, the plan will be cancelled. Re-enrollment can occur as long as the account is paid to date.
Online or Telephone Banking
Water and Sewer Invoices
  • Search under Selwyn in your bank's vendor listing to set up your account - select the Water and Sewer option
  • Your account number is 7 numbers (don't use the period/decimal) and can be found on your invoice or reminder letter


Note: this service is not available through Bank of Montreal (BMO), HSBC, Manulife, Tangerine or Meridian due to high service costs (all under the BMO umbrella)

Cash, Debit & Cheque
  • Cash and debit payments must be made at the Municipal Office
  • Cheques are payable to "The Township of Selwyn"
  • Please feel free to mail or use our secure black drop box located at the Municipal Office to deposit payments by cheque

Credit Card through PaySimply: Lakefield Water and Sewer

Visit, a secure, third-party Canadian payment provider. Please allow up to 7 business days for processing. Payments will be recorded on the date that they are received by our office.  

paysimply logo


Visit the PaySimply Lakefield Water and Sewer payment page


convenience fee will be applied to cover payment handling and processing charges, these fees are clearly stated on the payment page. All fees are paid to PaySimply and the township does not retain any portion of the fee. You will be notified of the fee amount before the payment is processed. You will also receive an email confirmation of your transaction including fees paid.

You will need your 7 digit Water and Sewer Account Number to make a payment: your account number is 7 numbers (don't use the period/decimal) and can be found on your invoice or reminder letter

Credit card payments cannot be processed in person at the municipal office.
General Receivables 
e-Payment through Virtual Town Hall (VTH)

Creating your Virtual Town Hall account allows you to view and pay your general receivable (facility rentals, etc.). The self serve account manager allows you to change your mailing address, customize your paperless notification settings and start, stop or change a pre-authorized payment plan for your property taxes. 

Credit card payments cannot be processed in person at the municipal office.

Online or Telephone Banking
  • Search under Selwyn in your bank's vendor listing to set up your account - select the Invoice option
  • Your 9 digit Customer ID is your "account number" (5 letters and 4 numbers)


Note: this service is not available through Bank of Montreal (BMO), HSBC, Manulife, Tangerine or Meridian due to high service costs (all under the BMO umbrella)

Cash, Debit & Cheque
  • Cash and debit payments must be made at the Municipal Office
  • Cheques are payable to "The Township of Selwyn"
  • Please feel free to mail or use our secure black drop box located at the Municipal Office to deposit payments by cheque
 Credit Card through PaySimply: General Receivables

Visit, a secure, third-party Canadian payment provider. Please allow up to 7 business days for processing. Payments will be recorded on the date that they are received by our office. 

paysimply logo


Visit the PaySimply General Receivables payment page


A convenience fee will be applied to cover payment handling and processing charges, these fees are clearly stated on the payment page. All fees are paid to PaySimply and the township does not retain any portion of the fee. You will be notified of the fee amount before the payment is processed. You will also receive an email confirmation of your transaction including fees paid.

You will need your 9 digit Customer ID to make a payment: your Customer ID is your "account number" and is made up of 5 letters and 4 numbers). It can be found on your invoice or statement.

Credit card payments cannot be processed in person at the municipal office.

Building and Planning

Please see Cloudpermit for payment instructions.


If you are working directly with the Building and Planning Department, they will provide you with payment details. 

 Property tax, invoices, water and sewer and general payments cannot be made by E-Transfer. 

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