Note: For property tax & finance related forms, go to our Forms, Applications, Permits page.

2025 Tax Installment Due Dates

Installment due dates are the 1st Monday of March, May and October, and the 1st Tuesday of August:

  • March 3, 2025
  • May 5, 2025
  • August 5, 2025
  • October 6, 2025 

If you are moving, or have changed your mailing address, please contact us immediately. 

The Tax Collector has no authority to waive or alter penalty and/or interest for any reason, including not receiving a tax notice.

Property Tax Notices

Annual taxes are calculated by multiplying the assessed value of your property by the Municipality's current consolidated tax rate, which is made up of a Township portion, County portion and an Education portion (set by the Province of Ontario).

Interim Tax Notices are based on approximately half of the previous year's total tax levy. Interim Tax Notices are sent at the end of January, and Final Tax Notices are sent at the end of June.

You can receive a digital copy of your Property Tax Notice by signing up for Paperless Notifications through your Virtual Town Hall account.

What Does Your Roll Number Mean?

A Roll Number tells you everything you need to know about where a property is located. Look for your roll number on all Township Selwyn tax documents.

Here is a breakdown of a Selwyn Township roll number, using the roll number for the Municipal Office property as an example: 1516.020.007.58400.0000

The first four numbers identify the County and Municipality where the property is located:

  • 15 - Peterborough County
  • 16 - Selwyn Township

The following three numbers identifies the ward where the property is located. In this example, it means the property is located in the Smith Ward.

Wards within Selwyn:

  • 010 - Ennismore Ward
  • 020 - Smith Ward
  • 030 - Lakefield Ward
  • 040 - former Douro Ward

The second set of three numbers identifies a specific area. In this example, it tells us that this property is located in a particular area within the Smith Ward. All properties in the same area are identified using the same three digits.

The section of five numbers is the property ID number and is unique to each property. There is one I.D. number issued for each property in the Township.

The final four numbers (0000) are available for expansion but this grouping of numbers currently doesn't identify or represent anything specific, but exist for future use.

Note: at times we may omit the "1516" and only use the remaining 15 digits to identify your property as the "1516" is common to all Selwyn roll numbers.

Reading Your Tax Notice - Assessment Class Codes

Under Assessment Class on your tax notice, the first 2 characters indicate the Tax Class (these codes are also used in the Consolidated Tax Rates section):

CodeTax Class
C7 Commercial small on-farm
CT Commercial
CU Commercial Excess Land
CX Commercial Vacant Land
FT Farmland
IT Industrial
IU Industrial Excess Land
IX Industrial Vacant Land
MT Multi Residential
NT New Multi Residential
PT Pipeline
RT Residential
ST Shopping Centre
SU Shopping Centre Excess Land
TT Managed Forest
VT Aggregate Extraction

The last character(s) identify school support:

CodeSchool Support
EP English Speaking Public School
ES English Speaking Separate School
FP French Speaking Public School
FS French Speaking Separate School
N No Directed Support

The levy descriptions listed under the "Class/Educ. Support" stand for:

CodeLevy description
OR Otonabee Region Conservation Authority (ORCA)
PR Rural policing rate (OPP)
PV Village policing rate (Peterborough Police)

Minimum Bill Adjustment

The Township of Selwyn has an annual minimum bill adjustment of $25.00.

To determine whether a minimum bill adjustment applies, we calculate the annual levy (multiply the property's assessment value by the applicable tax rate) and if the total is less than $25.00, it is adjusted up to $25.00.

Supplementary Tax Bills and Adjustments

Supplementary Tax Notices

Have you added value to your property with the addition/improvement of a structure?

Property assessment values in Ontario are determined by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). Their current value assessment system takes into consideration additions/improvements made to a property that has increased its overall value. When a supplemental assessment notice is issued, the Township is required to generate a tax notice considering the applicable tax rate and time period. Before receiving a property tax notice, you will receive notification of the change in value from MPAC.

  • For example: if you build a garage in 2023, you could receive the supplemental tax notice for the additional value of the garage for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025 in the year 2025.

If you are enrolled in a Pre-Authorized Payment (PAP) program, supplementary billings will be withdrawn from your account but depending on the time of year, we may need to withdraw funds on a date outside of your regular plan date. You will be notified if this is the case. 

These tax notices are issued in addition to the interim and final notice and does not cancel or replace taxes previously levied. 


Any current year reductions, due to assessment value or class changes, are processed after the final tax notices are issued.

If the demolition of a structure has reduced the assessed value of your property, please complete and submit a Section 357 Application.

Tax class, assessment values and roll numbers are provided by MPAC. Changes cannot be made without direction from MPAC. 

Current Municipal Tax Rate

Not sure whether your property taxes are based on the rural or village tax rate?

  • Wards 1, 2 and 4 are Rural and Ward 3 is Village. The rate difference for the village ward is due to the cost of police services (Peterborough Police vs. OPP).

2024 Consolidated Tax Rates

Assessment Class CodeDescriptionRuralVillage
RT/NT Residential/New Multi Res 0.887500% 0.983277%
FT/TT Farmland/Managed Forest 0.221875% 0.245819%
CT/XT/ST Commercial/Shopping Centre 1.686922% 1.792143%
C7 Commercial small on-farm 1.026922% 1.132143%
CU/CX/SU Comm./Shopping Vacant/Excess 1.444845% 1.518499%
IT Industrial/New Industrial 2.013481% 2.161283%
IU/IX Industrial/New Industrial Vacant/Excess 1.616763% 1.712835%
MT Multi Residential 1.030655% 1.145098%
PT Pipeline 1.569402% 1.659298%
IT1(VT in 2025) Industrial Subclass: Aggregate Extraction 1.177481% 1.325283%
Property Tax Calculation

Want to determine what the annual taxes will be on a property? Simply multiply the assessment value by the tax rate. If the property is located in Woodland Acres, you will also need to add on the annual charges for water and wastewater

Don't know the assessment value? Use our Property Search through Virtual Town Hall.


  • Property located in Wards 1, 2 or 4 with an assessment value of $314,173: $314,173 x 0.887500% (or 0.00887500) = $2,788.29
  • Property located in Ward 3 with an assessment value of $314,173: $314,173 x 0.983277% (or 0.00983277) = $3,089.19

Comparison of 2023 Municipal Tax Rates to 2024 Municipal Tax Rates

Tax Rate By-law and Schedules
Property Tax Payment Options

Property taxes can be paid by pre-authorized payment plan, online/telephone banking, cash, debit or cheque. For details, please see our Payment Options and Information page.

Reminder Notices, Penalties & Interest

Property Tax Reminder Notices for outstanding balances will only be sent after an installment due date and at the end of the year. Staff will be investing the existing resources into property specific discussions, rather than monthly mailings to all eligible properties.

Penalty and/or interest is fixed at a rate of 1.25% per month and will continue to be added to unpaid taxes after the due date and the beginning of each month after. Reminder notices will be sent for accounts with an outstanding balance over $10.00 at the beginning of March, May, August, October, and December.

Balances can be viewed 24/7 through your Virtual Town Hall account or can be requested by contacting the Municipal Office by phone: 705-292-9507 or by emailing the Finance Department.

Payment Allocation

As required by the Municipal Act, 2001 s 347(1) all payments are applied in the following order:

  1. NSF fees or other charges that may be collected through the tax roll (if applicable).
  2. Penalty/interest (if applicable, oldest to newest)
  3. Taxes (oldest to newest) 
Water & Sewer

Properties located in the Village of Lakefield, Woodland Acres and Summer Lane subdivisions are serviced by municipal water and wastewater.

The Village of Lakefield receives a separate Water and Sewer Invoice from Selwyn Township, and Woodland Acres is billed by the Township under the "Special Charges" section of the interim and final tax notice each year.

For current rates and billing information, please visit the Municipal Water & Wastewater page.

Property Tax Statement for Income Taxes

Filing your income taxes and need to know how much property taxes you paid last year? Check out your Final Tax Notice that was sent to you in June.

*Note: As long as you have paid in full, the amount listed will be the total property taxes paid for that year. 

  • Sample view of Tax NoticeWant to receive your Notices electronically? Sign up for Virtual Town Hall and setup your paperless notifications. Even if you chose to receive paper notices, you can still view your transactions and see your current balance through your Virtual Town Hall account.
  • To request a statement of account, please complete the property tax statement request form.

Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)

Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is responsible for assigning the assessment value and class for all properties in Ontario. The Township of Selwyn uses this information to set property tax rates and calculate the Property Tax Levies.

Visit the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) website to:

  • Request a Copy of Your Notice of Assessment
  • View the Taxation Toolkit
  • Learn about your Property
  • Direction of School Support

Property Tax Incentive Programs

There are three property tax incentive programs that property owner's can apply for. Each program requires an application through an external agency which upon approval is provided to MPAC for assessment classification and valuation, which is then provided to the Township of Selwyn for taxation.

Relationship Between Total Residential Assessment and Residential Tax Rate

Note: the Province of Ontario has postponed the 2020 Assessment Update. They have indicated that property assessments will continue to be based on the fully phased-in January 1, 2016 current values. For more information, visit the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) website

Residential assessment vs. tax rate Rural Ward for 2013-2024

Residential assessment vs. tax rate Village Ward for 2013-2024

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