
Sharing Dance @ Bridgenorth Library

A 60-minute dance class that is adaptable to varying levels of physical and cognitive abilities. Classes are creative and incorporate a variety of musical and dance styles. Classes are taught from Canada’s National Ballet School in Toronto and delivered to your community via video streaming. This class is for you if you want to exercise, socialize and have fun!

Date: Begins Thursday, April 24 for 6 weeks

Time: 10:30 a.m.

Location: Bridgenorth Library

Register for Sharing Dance

Seed Starting Workshop

Join members of the Peterborough Area Master Gardeners for a hands-on seed starting workshop. Learn tips and tricks to grow your own seedlings for your home garden.  All supplies provided.

Date: Wednesday, April 9

Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Location: Bridgenorth Library, inside the Community Room

Register for Seed Starting Workshop 

Tech Help at Lakefield Library 

Book one-on-one tech help at the Lakefield Library with students from Lakefield College School. 

Tech helpers are able to offer assistance with a variety of devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops and e-readers. 

Get help with tech topics such as navigating emails, optimizing space on your device, organizing photos, accessing eBooks and eAudiobooks through an app, and more. 

Time: 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Location: Lakefield Library Centennial Room 

Register for a date below: 

Thursday, April 3

Thursday, April 10

Thursday, April 24

Thursday, May 1

Thursday, May 8 

Thursday, May 22

Thursday, May 29

General Waitlist


To cancel a booking please contact Emma at at your earliest convenience. 
Painted Terracotta Pots Workshop 

Join us for an exciting afternoon at the Ennismore Library! Unleash your creativity at this Painted Terracotta Pots workshop. All materials will be supplied and this program is free to attend. 


Date: Wednesday, April 23 

Time: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 

Location: Ennismore Library, 551 Ennis Road 


Register for Painted Pots Workshop 


Art Display

Drop by the Bridgenorth Library during open hours, and enjoy two-dimensional artwork by different artists each month. 

March Artist: Abigail Cook

Abigail Cook

April Artist: Linda Kassil

Linda Kassil


Art Display Call for Entry

Thank you for your interest in displaying artwork at the Bridgenorth Library. Submissions are closed for 2025, the 2026 call for entry will open in September 2025.

Submission Information

The Selwyn Public Library Art Display Policy and Call for Entry Form are available for review at the Bridgenorth Library. Please contact Heather Jamieson at 705-292-5065 or email Heather for more information or to submit the completed Call for Entry form.

Book Bag

Would you like the library to put together a mystery book bag for you? Each book bag will include 4 books based on the genre or author you select. 

Available at all three library locations. 

Request a mystery book bag

Book Club

Bridgenorth Book Club

The Bridgenorth Book Club meets on the second Monday of the month at 10:00 a.m. The Bridgenorth Book Club is currently full, but take a look at their Book List.

Ennismore Book Club

The Ennismore Book Club meets monthly on Monday mornings at 11:00 a.m. Take a look at their Book List.

To register for the Ennismore Book Club, email Sarah Jones or call 705 292-8022.

Community Anthology Project

The Selwyn Public Library has launched an exciting new project to collect and celebrate the unique voices of our community. Members of the Publishing Club have compiled stories and poems submitted by the public to include in an anthology, celebrating the talent and creativity of our library patrons. Copies of the anthology will be available for checkout at any of our three library branches this spring. Keep an eye out for River Echoes: Volume One on our library shelves. 

Ennismore Library Travel Collection

Ennismore Library has a new travel collection! Learn what’s available and how to book travel equipment to take with you on your next trip.

View the travel collection

Home Library Delivery

The Selwyn Public Library and Community Care Chemung are offering Home Library Service. This service provides delivery of library materials to homebound persons residing in Bridgenorth and Ennismore.

For more information please contact Sarah Jones, Ennismore librarian, at 705-292-8022.

Home Library Service Application

Simply complete the form and submit it. We will contact you once it has been received.

Indigenous Resources

The Selwyn Public Library has materials for all ages to learn more about Indigenous history, including the Indian Residential School experience, and the ongoing Truth & Reconciliation process. 

View our Indigenous Resources web page

Needlework Group

The Needlework Group with the Makerspace is a place and time to gather, work on independent projects, socialize, and support each other.

Knitting, crochet, and cross-stich welcome. No formal teaching is being provided.

Needlework Group will run:

First Tuesday of the month 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. (drop-in)

First Wednesday of the month 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (drop-in)

SPL Makerspace - 1 Bridge Street, Lakefield

Needlework Group poster

SPL Makerspace

To view the full list of Makerspace programs, please visit the SPL Makerspace page.  

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