The Library of Things is a growing collection of items that you can check out on your library card!

travel collectionEnnismore Library Travel Collection

Ennismore Library has a new travel collection! Learn what’s available and how to book travel equipment to take with you on your next trip.

View the travel collection


board gamesBoard Game Collection

Your settlers seek to tame the remote but rich isle of Catan.
Can you get all 4 of your pieces around the board?
A classic quick draw party game...

Borrow a Board Game 

Parks PassOntario Parks Pass

We are excited to partner with Ontario Parks to offer Ontario Provincial Park passes to our patrons. For information about the program and how to make reservations, click here.

Borrow an Ontario Parks Pass


Disc Golf Kit

Disc Golf Kit

Interested in trying Disc Golf? This game is played by throwing discs at a series of targets along a Disc Golf course. There is a course located at the Ennismore Waterfront Park (1053 Ennis Road, Ennismore)

Borrow a Disc Golf Kit 

watt readerWatt Reader

A Watt Reader is a device that measures the electricity use of your appliances. Plug your appliance into the Watt Reader to discover just how much power it consumes. 

Borrow a Watt Reader


fishing rodTackle Share Kit

The Lakefield Library is a loaner site for the OFAH/OPG Tackle share program! This means that anyone under 18 years of age can borrow a rod, reel, and basic tackle from the library for free.

Borrow a Tackle share Kit 

wi-fi hotspotMobile Wi-Fi Hotspot

Mobile Wi-Fi hotspots will provide Internet access to Wi-Fi enabled smartphones, tablets, and PCs through the Bell cellular network. Note: Service will be dependent on the availability of the cellular network where the hotspot is being used.

Borrow a Hotspot

steam kitSTEAM Kit

It's time to get building, exploring, creating, and coding with one of our fun STEAM Kits. Super Wiggle-Bots, Squishy Circuits, LEGO building kit, and Makey Makey GO, just to name a few.

Borrow a STEAM Kit


literacy kitLiteracy Kit

Boost literacy with fun and engaging games. Literacy Kits are available for ages: 3+, 4+, 5+. 6+, and 8+. Kits include games such as; Sight words flash cards, I spy memory game, Beginning sight words flash cards, Disney phonics & reading, and Picture words crazy 8 s.

Borrow a Literacy Kit

Jigsaw Puzzle

Jigsaw Puzzle Collection

Borrow a jigsaw puzzle from the Lakefield Library, find a quiet spot, pour your favourite drink, and get lost in the joy of puzzling.

Borrow a Jigsaw Puzzle 

pickleball kitPickleball Kit

It's time to play Pickleball! Kit contains 2 pickleball racquets, ball, and rule sheets. Courts are located at the Robert E. Young Recreation Complex (553 Ennis Road, Ennismore) and the Douglas Sports Centre (2 Hague Boulevard, Lakefield)

Borrow a Pickleball Kit

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