Private Water Systems

Private water systems within the Township of Selwyn draw water from wells, cisterns, lakes and rivers.

Well Water Sample Testing

Drinking water from private residences and cottages can be tested for free. Sample bottles are available at the Regional Public Health Laboratory, Peterborough Public Health, and township offices.

Water sample kits are available for pickup at the Selwyn Township Municipal Office, located at 1310 Centre Line, Selwyn, during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM).

Once completed, water sample kits can be dropped off at:

  • Guardian Pharmacy at 871 Ward Street, Bridgenorth 
  • Public Health Ontario Laboratory at 99 Hospital Drive, Peterborough between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM.
  • Peterborough Public Health at 185 King Street, Peterborough, between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM Monday through Thursday, and from 8:30 AM to 12:00 Noon on Fridays.


  • Well Disinfection Tool - The well disinfection tool from Public Health Ontario provides an easy way to calculate the amount of chlorine product that is needed to disinfect a well. The tool also provides the procedures and precautions to take when disinfecting the well.
  • Well Records Map - This map allows you to search and view well record information from reported wells in Ontario
  • Water Supply Wells: Requirements and Best Practices - This manual provides best management practices and recommended techniques that help a person constructing a well to go beyond the minimum standards set by the Wells Regulation and better protect and minimize adverse impacts to our environment.

Private Wastewater Systems

Privately owned sewage disposal systems such as privies, leaching pits, cesspools, septic tank systems and holding tanks must be installed and maintained in accordance with the Ontario Building Code.

Permits and inspections are required for installations of sewage systems and alterations to buildings or sewage systems under the code. The Selwyn Township Building Department is responsible for privately owned sewage systems.

What Not to Flush! 

Sewage systems are designed for toilet paper and human waste. The following items should not be flushed down a toilet or poured down a drain:

  • Fats, Oils, Greases (FOGs) - Food scraps, butter, cooking oil, soups and sauces are all types of FOGs
  • feminine hygiene products
  • wipes of any kind
  • paper towels
  • rags
  • dental floss

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