The following roads are maintained by Peterborough County Public Works:

  • County Road 1 - Lindsay Road
  • County Road 12 - Fife's Bay Road
  • County Road 14 - Yankee Line
  • County Road 16 - portion of Tara Road
  • County Road 18 - 8th Line
  • County Road 20 - Selwyn Road
  • County Road 22 - Curve Lake Road
  • County Road 23 - Buckhorn Road
  • County Road 24 - Centre Line
  • County Road 25 - Young's Point Road
  • County Road 29 - Lakefield Road

For more information regarding the County roads noted above, please visit the Peterborough County Roads web page.

Highway 28 is managed by the Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) and maintained by Ministry hired contractors.

911 Signs

If your 911 sign, also known as your civic address sign, is damaged or stolen, please contact the Public Works Department at 705-292-9507 or by emailing

Please have the following information ready:

  1. The civic address number and street location,
  2. Whether or not the post needs to be replaced,
  3. Contact information, in case we need to get a hold of you.

There is a $100.00 fee to replace and install damaged 911 signs.

We encourage you to have your sign replaced immediately as it is used by first responders in cases of emergency.


A Culvert is a tunnel located at the end of driveways (road allowances) and across some roads to carry water from one area to another keeping it off roads and off properties.

Property owners can ensure their culvert is draining properly by:

  • Clearing leaves and debris from the entrance to the culvert to ensure proper flow and drainage;
  • Not adding any decorative stones, plants, or shrubs around the area to prevent the same.

For culvert pricing and availability, please contact the Selwyn Township Public Works Department at 705-292-9507 or email Please include contact information and property address. 

Entrance Permits

When a new entrance onto a Township road is requested, or when any work, replacement or addition is made to an existing entrance onto a Township road, an Entrance Permit is required. This applies to entrances with or without culverts.

For entrance permits pricing and availability, please contact the Selwyn Township Public Works Department at 705-292-9507 or email

Half Loads
Half loads restrictions are applicable on all Township roads from March 1st to May 1st of every year. Time lines may be adjusted according to the road conditions.
Streetlights/Public Area Lights

If you notice that a street light or public area light is out, please contact the Public Works Department at 705-292-9507.

Road Sweeping

The Public Works Department sweeps over 320 km of Township roads as soon as the frost is out of the ground to free our roads of excess sand from the winter sanding. 

The schedule for sweeping rotates every year, cycling between various areas of the municipality (ie. the first area swept one year may be the last area swept the following year).

The 2025 street sweeping rotation follows this order: Bridgenorth, South Smith, North Smith, Lakefield, and Ennismore. Please have patience & refrain from parking on the streets to improve the process.

Road Surface Treatment

The surface treatment consists of spraying an asphalt emulsion on the road followed by spreading an aggregate over the emulsion and compacting the aggregate to press it into the emulsion. 

In warmer weather the traffic continues to drive over the surface, further pressing the aggregate into the emulsion, helping the process and creating a consistent surface. This process can be dusty until the fines wash off the stone with some rainfall. As the temperature drops (and the emulsion has set) we will start to work on sweeping the extra material from the roads that were treated.

“Washboarding”, caused by excess aggregate, is normal and eliminated when swept up and removed.

Rural Mailboxes

The proper placement and maintenance of rural mailboxes ensures continued safe delivery of mail by Canada Post. Please consult with your local post office to ensure that all mailbox specifications and road safety criteria are met before installing a rural box.

Weed (Noxious) Control

Noxious weeds within the road allowance are the responsibility of Peterborough County. Any noxious weed on private property is to be maintained by the property owner. 

To report sightings of noxious weeds, please notify Peterborough County by filling out the Report an Issue form.

The use of pesticides is regulated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

Winter Parking

Township Roads

  • During the winter season, parking overnight on all Township roads is prohibited to allow for winter maintenance operations. Vehicles can/will be ticketed or towed during this time.

County Roads

  • From October 15th to May 15th, from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am, parking overnight on County roads is prohibited to allow for winter maintenance operations. Vehicles can/will be ticketed or towed during this time.

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